Community Support in Elections Act

  1. The method of counting votes for all federal offices is hereby modified to include a Community Support Enhancement.
  2. Community support shall be measured by the amount of money donated to a candidate’s official campaign account. 
  3. For every $10 that has been donated to an official campaign account in the calendar year preceding the election, or in the case of a special election in the twelve months prior to the election, the campaign will be entitled to one Community Support Enhancement Credit.
  4. Every Community Support Enhancement Credit shall be counted as one vote in the election canvass.
  5. In the case of candidates for President and Vice President, Community Support Enhancement Credits accruing to their national campaigns shall be allocated to each state Presidential campaign in proportion to the number of electoral votes in that State.
  6. To permit accurate assessment of community support for candidates for federal office under this statute, and to protect the community’s right to participate freely  in federal elections, all restrictions on donations to candidates’ official election accounts by natural and corporate persons are hereby repealed.
  7. Any State may adopt the same procedures for statewide and local elections.
  8. No court of the United States or any State shall have jurisdiction to consider any action arising under this Act.