Fourth Birthday Poem for Arianna

I wrote this poem for my niece Arianna Louise Phillips, who celebrates her fourth birthday on Leap Day (February 29), 2016.

Happy birthday!
You are four.
You are not three
Any more.

Find a thing
That’s fun to do.
Four is made of
Two and two.

Is meant to please
And Louise.

Run to the park
And climb a tree.
Four is made of
One and three.

Blow out birthday candles.
Wish for a

Open presents.
Have some fun!
Four is made of
Three and one.

February twenty-nine,
A day as rare as it is fine.
We can all be glad it’s here;
It doesn’t come in every year.

I think this poem
Ia almost done.
(Four is made from
Five, less one.)

The poem is finished now. It’s through.
But here is something very weird.
The poem is being sent to you
From Uncle David’s long gray beard.