Peter Miller wrote to me from Japan in 2000 as I was leaving for my annual visit to New York. What’s the occasion, he asked, ending with the observation “Leaves turning here, persimmons ripening on tree.” There was apparently more haiku in this exchange, but all that survives is this reply.
Your last paragraph
Is very Japanesy.
Slugs in the driveway.
Once I get started
Writing haiku I can go
All day and all night.
There’s no occasion.
Every year I make this trip.
Cranes stuck in traffic.
Slush in the gutters.
Hotdog vendors on the streets.
Fuck Giuliani!
If Saddam Hussein
Acts up while this mess goes on
Clinton will bash him.
Jesse Ventura
Dissed all the religious folk,
Blew it for ‘04.
Gray ocean, white foam.
I had better stop this now,
Put on my trousers.
Hard to stop writing.
Haiku like pistachios.
Meter stuck in mind.
Use some discipline!
Read the paper! Brush your teeth!
Push the send button!
Going to New York Haiku
Is very Japanesy.
Slugs in the driveway.
Once I get started
Writing haiku I can go
All day and all night.
There’s no occasion.
Every year I make this trip.
Cranes stuck in traffic.
Slush in the gutters.
Hotdog vendors on the streets.
Fuck Giuliani!
If Saddam Hussein
Acts up while this mess goes on
Clinton will bash him.
Jesse Ventura
Dissed all the religious folk,
Blew it for ‘04.
Gray ocean, white foam.
I had better stop this now,
Put on my trousers.
Hard to stop writing.
Haiku like pistachios.
Meter stuck in mind.
Use some discipline!
Read the paper! Brush your teeth!
Push the send button!